Abstract Art
Abstract art is art that does not represent an accurate depiction of visual reality, communicating instead through lines, shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks. Abstract artists use a variety of techniques to create their work, mixing traditional means with more experimental ideas.
Figurative Art
Figurative art describes any form of modern art that retains strong references to the real world and particularly to the human figure.
Natasha Soldatova was born and raised in Estonia. Since childhood, she was fond of drawing, attended art school and graduated from the University in Tallinn, by profession she is an artist-fashion designer. At the university she got a good base in painting, drawing and sculpture, learned how to work with different materials. Now Natasha favorite materials are oil and acrylic. She loves to paint portraits and abstractions. Abstraction is the depth of the soul, an emotional state, a certain language of self-expression and a dialogue with oneself. A portrait is a beautiful image of people who surround us in different situations and times. A lot can also be said and expressed through a portrait.
It is very important that when people look at Natasha paintings they have their own feelings and emotions.
She puts eternal values at the center of her life. These are values that are important at all times and are important for all people. These include freedom, love, truth, beauty, justice, goodness and benefit. It is on the eternal values that our world rests. And whatever happens in the world, whatever technological and material innovations they come up with, eternal values play an important role in the life of every person. They are true always and under all circumstances. They cannot be violated, since they have objective power. Only they can ensure a harmonious attitude towards the world, people and themselves. In order not to lose balance in this volatile world, you need to have unchanging values and principles at the center of your life.
Natasha’s works are in private collections in Estonia, Europe and Russia.
2001-2005 Eurouniversity (Bachelor, Design and Fashion) Tallinn, Estonia
2021 Luxemburg Art Prize certificate
03.2022-05.2022 EKA open academy “Photorealistlic painting ”
1.05-13.05.2022 Group exhibition Telliskivi Loomelinnak Green hall, Estonia
13.05.2022 “Osta noor kunsti” auction, Fotografiska Estonia
2022 Luxemburg Art Prize certificate
8.04-17.04.2023 Group exhibition Telliskivi Loomelinnak Green hall, Estonia
18.04.2023 “Osta noor kunsti” auction, Fotografiska Estonia
01.05.2023-15.06.2023 Solo Exhibition “Ambivertion” Gallery Cafe, Tallinn Estonia
11.10.2023-24.10.2023 Group exhibition Telliskivi Loomelinnak Green Hall, Estonia
25.10.2023 “Osta noor kunsti” auction, Fotografiska Tallinn